Friday, November 9, 2018

The way people treat when you put on muscle is so weird, anyone experience something

Ive been training for 6 years but backtrack to a year ago. I was depressed and hadnt gone gym for 6 momths, essentially losing all my size. During this time i became really weak not just physically but mentally. My handshake grip because loose, my voice became soft, everything about me that made me who i was changed and i defitently noticed a difference on how i was treated. Now im better than ever and im going uni, few things i noticed. Most of the things i have noticed come from male to male to encounters

1. People will shake your hand for absolutly no reason even if you havent met them. Ive noticed this especially at uni mostly other males will nod at you walking past or even shake your hand and sit near you in lectures. They even try act cool around you.

2. You dont really have to be loud to have people notice you as soon as you walk in. For example theres table tennis on my campus and typically an unstructed line, when i was skinny i had to ask who was next or who was before this person or after. Now i dont have to really say ****, people remember when i came and even hand the racket to me directly without asking.

3. Girls will try sit near you and be much more talktative or open to you, this is an obvious one.

4. Expanding on 3, you dont really have to talk much to have girls attracted to you. Ive been going to my chiropractor whos a female in her 30s and shes told my sister "i make her day whenever i come in and she really likes me" i literally usually just say yes or no and ocassionally laugh at one of her jokes everytime im in but other than that shes very touchy touchy with me.

5. Mostly guys will notice your gains and start asking you for advice if there close to you, not just gym related stuff but everything in general.

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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