Friday, November 16, 2018

Eating protein meals after workout for muscle mass

I'm student at high school ,been trainnig for 4 months . I made my own diet and workout plan and I'd say I can see results . I know that I shouldn't do my own programm because you may think I don't know what I'm doing .

So , I study from 8 am to 5 pm everyday , I workout at 7 pm six days a week . My diet plan is simple , I just eat whatever I find on my way,(rice , cookies and cakes and just everything that can give me energy) I don't care if I gain fat .when I come back from workout I eat two protein meals . 2 eggs , 200g of chicken , protein shake . (2 times this meal,one meal just after workout , and the other meal after like 2 hours at 10 pm) . They containe like 100g protein .
and at 11 pm I go to sleep .

I just wonder if the two meals that I eat after workout are gonna reach my blood and go into muscles before I wake up at 7 am lol , because if it doesn't , then I wasted my time .

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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