Saturday, November 3, 2018

Do I have enough muscle to go on a cut before my holiday?

Hey. I've never been too comfortable with my body. I've definitely improved from where I started but like most, I'm not where I want to be. I have a big family and friends holiday coming up near christmas and I want to look the best I can for it.

My current strength stats aren't too bad at the moment but I'm confident I can cut whilst maintaining my strength. Regardless, I don't mind losing a bit. I don't want to go on any harsh cut, just to lean out a bit more prior to the holiday.

I've never thought I had enough mass for a cut and I definitely have weak points that need to grow but after the holiday I will be bulking for the majority of the year, even if I don't cut now.

I'm 5ft 9, 73kg and 19 years old.

I'm curious to whether I have enough mass for a cut and your advice on what to do.

Also, would a 5-6 week cut even make much progress for me?

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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