Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Best Program to lose weight and maintain muscle?

I'm 17 and have been lifting consistently for about 6 months. I've made decent gains but in the process gained a bit of fat. I'm looking to join the Army and I wanna do some cardio to prepare for basic training. ( I also don't wanna be a fatass) I wanna lose weight and improve my running endurance, but at the same time want to maintain my muscle gains and strength.
It seems like this would be no issue, but I have school, and other stuff that gives me only about an hour a day to do my workouts. What do you think is the best routine so I at least maintain my muscle size but also improve my running endurance in an hour?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176498811&goto=newpost

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