Saturday, July 14, 2018

MuscleTech's VaporX5 Ripped

I am just going to get straight to the point; This stuff is LEGIT!

I acquired a tub of the VaporX5 RIPPED from fatboystick (lovingly known as FBS) and MuscleTech to give it a try and I was not disappointed. I had the Strawberry Limeade flavor.

It mixed extremely well with no residue left.

I used this in several different ways; as a pre, mixed with my morning BCAAs/glutamine once I arrived at work and as just a little "boost" if needed.

Being a former stim junkie, I started out with a full scoop in the afternoons just before leaving work (as during the week I train after work) and it was a great boost of energy without being cracked out. However, I soon realized, a full scoop at 4 in the afternoon does not make easy sleep at night. Therefor I would alternate with either a 1/2 scoop at 4 or a full scoop about 2pm, gym at 4:30.

Either way, energy was great, focus for me was spot on and would sweat, good gawd would I sweat. It kept me pumping though.

On the weekends though, I would take a full rounded scoop in the mornings 1/2 hour before gym and gym would be like 5:30am on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Held steady with energy most of the day.

RIPPED also did curb the appetite a little but as is always the case, you still need to eat and not wait to "get hungry" because if I did, got a little ill feeling and would end up gorging myself and usually with the wrong stuff, so, well I should know but sometimes one never remembers.

I also, towards the end of the tub would use about 1/2 scoop in my morning BCAAs/glutamine and was actually still able to use a different pre in the early evening for the gym But why would you?? You don't need to BUT I started running low on RIPPED and wanted it to last a little longer.

I never really had any "crash" issues once I figured my sweet spot dosage. I will say, for me anyway, if you take a full scoop in the morning and another full scoop in the late afternoon, you may have a crash a bit later. I did experience this so hence why only a lot of 1/2 scoop dosages.

Best overall for me was 1/2 scoop in morning, 1/2 to 3/4 scoop later in the day on workout days and all was fine as wine.

The taste was spot on too. I think Strawberry Limeade is becoming a popular flavor of sorts. Beats the helloutta fruit punch flavors.

Oh and last but not least, I did manage to drop right about 4.2 pounds during this tub run. I also am not one for a lot of car-dee-oh, so had I incorporated some of that chit, who knows, maybe another lb or 2 could have been dropped.

All in all, this gets a 9.5/10 from me.

And you know, right now this is buy 2 get 1 free in the store. Just saying.....

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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