Tuesday, July 31, 2018

If I don't eat meals every two/three hours, then will I lose my muscle ?

I am new to body-building and learning more.

My question is that,

What if I eat one meal during morning and one meal during night.

Will I lose my muscle, if I don't eat every two or three hours ?

I am currently exercising three days a week; full-body work out routines for each day.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176037001&goto=newpost

Sunday, July 29, 2018

How to reduce thigh muscles?

Okay so I had an eating disorder and my parents (i'm 16) made me gain 22 pounds. I did basketball and strength training (bodyweight and "heavy stuff") and my legs got HUGE my abs also got huge due to my eating disorder telling me to do 1 hour of abs EVERY SINGAL DAY. I go and do arm workouts at the gym twice a week and my arms are 'yeh' not HUGE but bigger than I want them.
now my body is out of proportion and I don't know what to do.
I want to look LEAN and TONED but I can't lose any weight (because my parents/having had an eating disorder) - please help me.
Thank you
PS attached pictures of what I look like now
Attached Images

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176032081&goto=newpost

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Introducing canadian muscle apparel

Hey guys,

I am new to the forum. We're going to apply to become a Vendor with BB.com but wanted to introduce our brand, and our goal with being a member on the forum.

Our brand is called Canadian Muscle Apparel, a clothing brand created for people of Canada to demonstrate that sick Canadian work ethic that we've got which is applied every single day, in the gym and out of the gym. Each country, region, area has their own strong suits and pride - and our work ethic is one of ours.

We're launching a new website with over 9,000 product options On August 1s at: CanadianMuscleApparel.com and you can find us on Facebook at: Facebook.com/CanadianMuscleApparel

With our presence on BB.com, aside from applying to list our products, we want to engage and connect with all of you and give insight where we can!

Thanks in advance,
Canadian Muscle Apparel

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176027251&goto=newpost

Friday, July 27, 2018

Power Up Your Mind-Muscle Connection For Greater Gains

To build maximum muscle, you must know how to establish a connection between your mind and your muscles. These tricks and tips will up your mental game and help you get the most from every lift.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/power-up-your-mind-muscle-connection-for-greater-gains.html

Any muscle protein synthesis studies on deficit created by diet vs exercise?

I was wondering if there were any studies on the effect of muscle protein synthesis when a deficit is created by diet vs exercise?

I ask this because recently i have increased my activity significantly burning on average an extra 500-800 calories per day, and anecdotally i believe i have had better results creating a deficit from exercise than from diet alone in terms of gym performance, i am making progress on my lifts in a good sized deficit, something i don't believe i have ever been able to do in the past.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176022651&goto=newpost

Long break - lose weight, build muscle or both?

I'm 38 years old and just started back at the gym. I don't really consider myself a newbie though, let me explain.

In my late teens I used to work out at the gym - I did reasonably well but although I was eating 6-7 meals a day my big mistake was to cut out all fats. My diet was really clean but I never ate egg yolks, full fat yogurt, full fat milk, etc. Aside from the gym I was always a lot more active back then as I didn't drive and would often walk 5 miles a day to and from college. Looking back the lack of fat in my diet was a major downfall in my progress, however I was strong and healthy.

Eventually I gave up the gym when I qualified and started my own business. Fast forward another 10 years and I start again at around the age of 28. This time though I go all out bulking. I was eating 6-7 meals a day or more, including fats. It was all quality, wholesome foods (no soda, sweets, chocolate, etc) and if I wasn't working out I was either sleeping or eating. Within the space of 2 years I made phenomenal progress, mainly due to the fact I was eating so much and from past experience I knew exactly how to work out and what to do. I did get some belly fat during this time but the plan was to eventually start the cutting process and lose this.

Anyway, children then came into my life and other priorities took over and again I gave up the gym for around 8 years before I could start cutting. However it's worse than that, as I replaced the gym and the wholesome meals with eating sweets, cakes and drinking tonnes of soda every day. So now my muscles have gone and I have a fat belly instead. The weird thing is, through the rolls of flab you can still just about see my upper abs as my core muscles are pretty thick.

So this bring us back to the present day, and I have re-joined the gym only yesterday. Now, I know that within 6 months I could easily have all of my muscle back, but that's not going to help with the flabby belly which will either remain the same or get worse. The fact that until the last 3 or 4 years I've never been fat, I'm not really sure what to make of it or what to do. I'm a big believer that you can't build serious muscle whilst also losing weight. So I'm wondering if I should just do cardio? Which is difficult as cardio is boring and I love lifting weights. Should I perhaps lift on alternate days? Or not bother with the lifting for the next 6-12 months and just hit the treadmill every day?

Any advice gratefully received.


from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176022631&goto=newpost

Mixing muscle building with cardio... help!

I want to build some serious muscle mass, but I cycle 16 miles to and from work everyday!

I know this would affect my results as cardio inhibits body building, so I was wondering what the best way to go about this would be. I've got a few questions below, it would be amazing if anyone could help.

1a. How many calories should I be eating everyday to compensate for my workout and my bike ride?
1b. How should these be split across proteins, fats, and carbs?
2. How should I be lifting, should it be very heavy for low reps, or heavy for 10-12 reps?
3. Should I workout before my ride in the morning, or after my ride in the evening?
4. Compound movements or isolated movements?

To help you, I am 6' 2" tall, I weigh 75kgs and have always struggled to put on any sort of weight (I can eat whatever and pretty much stay the same weight).

If you have any advice at all, I would really appreciate it!

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176022581&goto=newpost

Thursday, July 26, 2018

NEWBIE GAINS? -- Strong Lifts 5x5 & Lose fat Gain Muscle?

I am new here, ( I will add pictures when I get a chance ) So hey all! Before I ask my question I will give some back ground information and some stats.
My names Bret. I am a 31 year old male 5'8"-5'9" (license says 5'9") I am 203 Pounds currently i been eating healthy-ISH for 2 months now so far losing 17 pounds so far keep in mind I have NOT started working out at all yet, I worked out in 2013 for 2 weeks other than that I never lifted ever. If i was to guess I am 23-25% body fat id guess, lowest weight i been is 170 since freshman year in high school, I would have ABS I think at 155-160 pounds. I always look like I worked out though I have only been in the gym 2 weeks my whole life till my father passed and not been back since. Even then goofing off i did 185 Pound bench for 2 reps and i tried dead lifts 1 time ever was doing 135 pounds but it was way to easy i could do more than 20 with no problem. I am unsure my body type i have wider hips but my shoulders are naturally big and seem wider than my hips. My bodyfat is mainly my midsection or my Moobs / love-handles.

I have decided I want to cut first I do have a lot of muscle & have more body fat, So I think cutting first for more confidence and showing what i have for starters is the best option. I don't have a way to measure now but my arms flexed are like 15-16 inches I'm pretty sure that was a few years ago. Keep in mind i never been really active i go to work at a job that's not that physically demanding & come home sitting at a computer till i go to bed every day. and on days off all i do is play computer games, drink sodas and always ate what I wanted mostly fast food and never gotten really fat and I never lost muscle do to not doing anything I am naturally Big. even at the gym when i asked how to do a dead lift they thought i was a regular to the gym.

I want to gain muscle and get lean in the long run about 5-10% body fat would be nice. I read about Newbie gains and caught a lot of interest in this as I never work out really or do anything physical for the most part. reading you can gain 18-27 pounds of muscle the first year with bulking.
Okay so now for the Question.
I want to cut first but i got to thinking, Would I be able to Cut & still gain a lot of muscle mass if I don't eat caloric deficient but rather eat at Maintenance? eating maintenance to give me the extra energy so i can lift weights. I was thinking of trying to Cut, Eat maintenance while doing the Strong Lift 5x5 & some cycling HITT training. go fast as i can 30 seconds then 50% for 30sec and go 100% for 30 seconds alternating maybe 6-8 sets for the cardio. IF i ate caloric deficient Would I still have the energy needed to be able to push hard enough to build Muscle mass doing 5x5s?

As i mentioned my hips are wider so i would add in some more exercises to try and make my top half wider. such as lateral rises for shoulder width, Shrugs for bigger Traps my traps feel small compared to everthing else, and pull ups for lats width so i can get a V taper looking at my body i don't think I even have lats lol, I have done a TON of research but never applied any of it I have Arnolds Bodybuilding Bible also.

Overall Goal - BE Ripped, get a little bit bigger than I am, get V taper & wider stance due to my wide hips. 5-10% body fat all the time

Sorry its a long post. But thanks in advanced for anyone that can read it, give me advice or maybe tell me what changes or thought they have or maybe even concerns?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176021891&goto=newpost

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Did I lose too much muscle or is it normal

When I was 86.5 Kilograms I used to lift 3x5 100 Kilograms Bench Press.
Now I am 71.8 and I struggle with 3x5 82.5 Kilograms -_-

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176014721&goto=newpost

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

If muscle memory is a thing, then wouldn't a quick aggressive cut be more logical?

This is an x-post from Reddit that really got me thinking. There were no real answers to this question so I thought I would get your opinions on this matter.

"Wouldn't any muscle loss incurred from my cut be regained fast once I begin bulking again, due to the magic of muscle memory?

A faster, more aggressive cut would also allow me to enter an anabolic bulking phase a lot sooner.

What are the flaws of this approach? Are there people out there who have tried a more aggressive cut willing to share experiences?"


from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176009961&goto=newpost

Monday, July 23, 2018

How much will intermitent fasting inhibit muscle gains?

I know IF is supposed to be less optimal for gaining muscle but i enjoy eating with IF as i get to eat bigger more filling meals, I have used it to cut in the past but never to gain muscle, I am 2 weeks into a slow 0.5lb per week bulk using IF and wondering how much this is going to effect my gains? Lets say hypothetically i could gain 10lbs this year eating 4-5 meals per day how much would i likely gain in the same year using IF and an 8 hour window? I see people mention how IF is not optimal in practically every IF thread i ever see which is always worrying, it would be nice to have some sort of idea what this really means in terms of real world results tho.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176006741&goto=newpost

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nutrition advice to improve both muscle growth and cardio?

I'm completely new to this and fitness so sorry if there's already a thread on this.

I'm looking to join the army and need to improve both my strength and cardio.
I don't need to lose any weight so I don't need to count calories that way.
What levels of protein, carbs etc should I aim for?
If it helps I'm female, 5"4, 9st
Once again sorry if there's a thread already on this or I've missed put any important info

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176002881&goto=newpost

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Strength, vs power, vs muscle.

So I hear that muscle and strength go hand to hand. Strength is more neurological with the firing of the motor units in the muscle fibers, and muscle is the how big and you need both to gain. But what about power? Power is how fast your muscles can exert a force, I haven't noticed this increasing and it seems you have to train for it. Is the only way to build power is by doing things like plyometrics? Or can you get it by doing a 1 rep max as fast as you can?

So this is like a individual type of training sort of like cardiovascular based training?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176000241&goto=newpost

Is it safe to say testosterone levels are responsible for how fast you build muscle?

I think if you have test levels below 500 you are in the sub optimal range. 600-700 is above average. 700+ is life on easy mode. Guys with 700+ test levels are the guys who can lift for like a year and already look better than most guys who have been going to the gym for years.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175999311&goto=newpost


The nutrition of this system are extremely amazing to develop the overall wellness of a person. These are extremely adroit thus, it easily penetrates through ideas cellular membrane to provide necessary protein, organic natural natural vitamins, and nourishment to the ideas. Thus, it makes you think like ingenious.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175998541&goto=newpost

Muscle Imbalance

just started working out three weeks ago. I know it's early but the difference in size between my two arms (mainly triceps and shoulders) is really bothering me. I think this happened because i had to do a lot of pushups for my frat and my form was bad. What can i do to fix this??

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175998461&goto=newpost

Friday, July 20, 2018

30, 16% body fat, slight 49kgs skeletal muscle mass, 102.5 kg weight

Hey guys and gals!

So I was going to see somebody could help me reach my fitness goals. I don't think it's anything super ambitious.

body fat % goal: 12%

I want to increase my skeletal muscle mass by a decent percentage while getting my body fat down to about 12%.

I don't have super convenient access to a gym so I could probably weight train at most 1x per week. I own a jump rope, perfect pushups and boxing gloves, so would prefer to keep it mostly bodyweight as I am not trying to add a lot of size anyway. As far as weight training goes I can't do weighted squats because of my heriniated disc/mild s****osis, and deadlifts are bit iffy as well, although they never really seemed to bother my back.

So typically I've been one of those eat whatever I want and never put on weight types, tall skinny dudes. I got one of those electrical body scan things done that says my recommended calorie intake is 3400. I'm not sure how much to eat.

My usual problem with working out/weight training a lot is I would get tired/weak easily and not really make so much gains. I would mostly plateau or when I was younger I would just feel too weak to go on. My guess would be I wasn't eating or sleeping enough, sometimes it's hard for me to get the 8 hours consistently.

Anyway any tips or tricks from the community would be great. I'll try to find the body report paper here and post back.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175994951&goto=newpost

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Nutra bio muscle matrix protein / cookies and cream

not only is this easily the best cookies and cream supplement I have ever had , it is a very high quality product . it tastes amazing and mixes easily . a nice blend of casein and whey protein , it's very nice to see exactly how much of each ingredient is in the product . there are no secrets with nutra bio . im glad I finaly got to try something by them . this also has 5 grams of aminos

every ingredient is of high quality . a very short list of ingredients means no fillers or poor ingredients like maltodextrin . im using this before bedtime . no digestion issues at all .

I have 2 other flavors I will be trying , also I think im going to try the nutra bio multi vitamin and pre workout next .

another thing I realy like about nutra bio is that they are in full control of everything . they don't have a separate facility making and packaging up there products . a true winner here !

hoping to see them at the Olympia expo and maybe getting some good deals !

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175994611&goto=newpost

Help Building Muscle

I’m 15 years old and am a male. I would like to build muscle mostly in my chest as I have gynocomastia which I hope will go away as I become an adult. It has been very hard for me as I do not take my shirt off in the change room at school I or my gym shirt on and take it off underneath. I use to be overweight then as I became more involved in competitive swimming I became skinny then I quite and didn’t do anything for a year and became overweight once again. Then I joined the wrestling team at my school and became skinny once again. As the wrestling ended and it being now summer I have started Muay Thai which I enjoy a lot and am hoping to do it more very soon. But I feel like I have gained a little more weight again I don’t think I would be considered overweight but still I don’t like it. I got a trainer to help me and we did two sessions and he gave me a short workout routine that only contains only chest excercises however after obtaining that I became a little lazy for like a month and a half so I didn’t do it. It’s currently day two of my goal to get muscular and I worked out my chest both days ( bench press, incline bench etc.) and I did some pushups at night. But when I flex my abs it feels like the sides of my stomach flares out and I’m wondering how I can get rid of that? Also I know it’s not good to workout the same muscle group everyday cause muscles grow when you rest them so I’m wondering what other excercices I can do to just improve my over all upper body (Abs, Shoulde, Back, etc.) I do know I need to workout my legs as well which I already seem to have strong legs maxing out around 75% of machines. Also I do have loose skin and I’m wondering as I build muscle will that go away? And how can I build my chest effectively and make it look nice? Thank you for the help

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175994541&goto=newpost

Muscles look flat/depleted on Blast?

Hi everyone, I recently decided to go on my first blast on TRT and started out with 400mg per week of Sustanon 250.
I've noticed my muscles look very depleted and pumps in the gym are weak, separations on my muscle have gone too. It makes no sense because on 150mg I was hard, vascular and looking very good. Is my body just adjusting or is my estrogen too high/too low?? Also, I haven't changed my diet or anything so it's not diet related.
Thank you.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175993371&goto=newpost

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The mindset of training every muscle with importance is so rewarding

Most of us have fallen into the category of prioritizing our trophy muscles more than other muscles, admit it! It's so easy to go to the gym and train chest and see that juicy chest pump. You going in and training hamstrings isn't all that appealing! Not many actually feel electric for the opportunity to train outer calves, to go in and beat the dog squat out of their rear delts. To go in and do 6 sets of back extensions or going in and training glutes as hard as possible.

Most of us end up having strong chests, great delts, big girthy arms and big late and strong quads. Maybe good and too. But not very many guys have it All! That's an amazing thing!!! To have trophies all over your body. Every muscle group is thick n juicy. Even hamstrings, glutes, calves, rear delts, middle/lower traps, front neck, front delts etc. When you have every single muscle group showing equally good development you look good! You look real good. Got diamond shaped calves, girthy quads, glutes that fill jeans out, tight waist, tall traps, thick middle traps, coconut delts, good pex , swooping outer bicept, meat flank triceps.

Most guys have good upper bodies and just completely underworld calves. You aren't nothing in a gym but a delusional jerkoff if you don't have great calves. If you don't train your whole body, you really will be that guy with a small lower body and big upper body.

Women judge a man strongly on proportion. Imagine if you saw a woman with a big upper body and thin unused legs. You'd likely not wanna date her cause she's a freak. Women think the same thing. Humans have a need to date people who are proportioned and symmetrical. If you weightlift and your whole body is all developed the same then you become uber attractive. Women say they don't like big muscle guys because every muscle guy they see can bench press 250 but has a pancake butt and spindly little twink calves. It's not sexy! Women don't care about your pex. They wanna see an entire human man not some pex. But you show women a man who has good muscular development top to bottom left to right and has every angle covered, she will be like "omg he's so sexy, he's like an alien". All those little muscles like hamstrings, outer calves, lower back, rear delts glutes etc all blend all together with the trophy muscles to make a man look really attractive.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175990361&goto=newpost

Burn The Most Fat, Build The Most Muscle

Use this month-long training program to get shredded fast!

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/burn-the-most-fat-build-the-most-muscle.html

Can I workout after getting a muscle cramp?

I woke up this morning and did my stretch that I always do upon waking up and I felt this really bad intense pain in my right calf. I believe it was a muscle cramp. I can walk on it still but it has a pretty bad pain while I do so, can I still workout? I'm planning on doing heavy squats today.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175987631&goto=newpost

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Will I lose muscle if I stop working out WITH WEIGHTS?

Will I lose muscle if I stop working out WITH WEIGHTS? I'm punished and I'm forbidden to go to the gym or cycle (I'm a cyclist) for 2 weeks (could be even longer like a month).

Ps. Don't ask me what I did and why. I have a very bad relationship with my parents and things went seriously wrong and they know how I religiously stick to my workout routine so that's my punishment ughhh.

So I will be working out at home without any equipment. Will I lose muscle? I will continue to eat properly.

Here's what I did today for example for legs:

2 rounds of this:
60 second squat
30 sec side lunge with squat each leg
30 sec curtsy lunge each leg
30 sec pulse lunge each leg
40 sec squat pulse
30 sec rainbow kick each leg
30 sec fire hydrant each leg
60 sec donkey kick pulse each leg
30 sec bridge hold

Then one round of this:
25 jump squats
25 squat pulses
15 star jumps (kind of like jump squats)
10 burpees
20 jump lunges
1 min wall sit
15 bulgarian split squat each leg
30 calf raises
10 box jumps (i jump on my bed haha)

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175974981&goto=newpost

Saturday, July 14, 2018


TestoneNemax A straightforward method to recognize patients in danger "in view of all the more destructive aspiratory capture" Smeet Chugh, Heart Institute, Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, USA. "The motivation behind this examination is to reveal insight into hazard factors and raise inconsistencies related with hereditary cardiovascular demise out of the blue." Scientists estimated the blood levels of hormones in Pacienti with captured circulatory ad libs, against the level of hormones in Pacienti with coronary illness, stroke. Hazard in their investigation:

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175974541&goto=newpost

MuscleTech's VaporX5 Ripped

I am just going to get straight to the point; This stuff is LEGIT!

I acquired a tub of the VaporX5 RIPPED from fatboystick (lovingly known as FBS) and MuscleTech to give it a try and I was not disappointed. I had the Strawberry Limeade flavor.

It mixed extremely well with no residue left.

I used this in several different ways; as a pre, mixed with my morning BCAAs/glutamine once I arrived at work and as just a little "boost" if needed.

Being a former stim junkie, I started out with a full scoop in the afternoons just before leaving work (as during the week I train after work) and it was a great boost of energy without being cracked out. However, I soon realized, a full scoop at 4 in the afternoon does not make easy sleep at night. Therefor I would alternate with either a 1/2 scoop at 4 or a full scoop about 2pm, gym at 4:30.

Either way, energy was great, focus for me was spot on and would sweat, good gawd would I sweat. It kept me pumping though.

On the weekends though, I would take a full rounded scoop in the mornings 1/2 hour before gym and gym would be like 5:30am on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Held steady with energy most of the day.

RIPPED also did curb the appetite a little but as is always the case, you still need to eat and not wait to "get hungry" because if I did, got a little ill feeling and would end up gorging myself and usually with the wrong stuff, so, well I should know but sometimes one never remembers.

I also, towards the end of the tub would use about 1/2 scoop in my morning BCAAs/glutamine and was actually still able to use a different pre in the early evening for the gym But why would you?? You don't need to BUT I started running low on RIPPED and wanted it to last a little longer.

I never really had any "crash" issues once I figured my sweet spot dosage. I will say, for me anyway, if you take a full scoop in the morning and another full scoop in the late afternoon, you may have a crash a bit later. I did experience this so hence why only a lot of 1/2 scoop dosages.

Best overall for me was 1/2 scoop in morning, 1/2 to 3/4 scoop later in the day on workout days and all was fine as wine.

The taste was spot on too. I think Strawberry Limeade is becoming a popular flavor of sorts. Beats the helloutta fruit punch flavors.

Oh and last but not least, I did manage to drop right about 4.2 pounds during this tub run. I also am not one for a lot of car-dee-oh, so had I incorporated some of that chit, who knows, maybe another lb or 2 could have been dropped.

All in all, this gets a 9.5/10 from me.

And you know, right now this is buy 2 get 1 free in the store. Just saying.....

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175972331&goto=newpost

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Muscle past 35 = bad look? (srs)

Over 35 Misc will most likely be all "35 is the new 18" so posting it here to get a better (srs) perspective from both young and old.

Anyway, starting to think that past 35, the more muscle you have the worse you look. Past this age, you are more attractive if you project mental confidence, and look like a man busy with a career/business chit. If you are buff, you look like you have time on your hands and you are quite possibly a tradie. Being lean or just in shape for health is good because it doesn't require as much work as building muscle and looks like you take care of yourself.

Story time:

- Buddy was celebrating successful surgery. Went to a strip club, always a good laugh, plus tiddies.

- Got to talking to a stripper. Touching my arm, she goes: so why are you so strong? Are you in construction or something?

- My brah almost lost his chit laughing but that got me to thinking. I'm sitting there wearing fine clothes, expensive watch and the sloot thinks I must be working construction if I look strong at my age.


Past 35, your concern should be your career so looking strong has likely something to do with your career. As in, it might require it. As in, you must lift chit for a living.


1) How do you young'ns see older buff guys outside the gym?

2) Fellow old farts, what have you noticed?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175964761&goto=newpost

How long does creatine stay in the muscles

Hello. I'm going on a family trip next week, and therefore it's going to be hard for me to take creatine every day. How long does it take before the creatine is out of my system and the effects are gone?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175964681&goto=newpost

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Big but want to build muscle and then lose fat

Hey I’m new to posting in this forum.

Basically, like the title says, I would like to build some muscle first then lose some fat but I currently weigh 290. I know I’ll probably get even fatter but this is what I want to do. I know normal advice would be to cut and drop under 15% body fat before bulking but here’s what I thought I would do. Would it be feasible for me to bulk up for about 3 months then cut down about 25 lbs then bulk again. Could I keep doing that until I drop down to a reasonable weight without losing too much muscle? Or would I just end up losing all my hard earned muscle in the long run?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175960351&goto=newpost

Sunday, July 8, 2018

What's the science behind muscle memory?

From experience, it tends to be a real thing... I see people that used to be jacked get out of shape, then get jacked again in a short period of time... whereas never jacked brahs seem to take longer

It seems to be more than just the fact that someone has experience with lifting, and know what they're doing

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175948741&goto=newpost

Friday, July 6, 2018

Ask The Muscle Doc: What's The Best Range Of Motion For Maximizing Muscle?

When it comes to making gains, should you take your reps through a full range of motion, or are partials the way to go? Here's what the science says.

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/ask-the-muscle-doc-whats-the-best-range-of-motion-for-maximizing-muscle.html

Thursday, July 5, 2018

185 pounds possibly 25% Body Fat trying to decrease fat increase muscle, how to diet?

really looking to increase muscle and lose weight, I was 235 lbs 2 years ago and probably closer to 50% I've managed to lose the weight and look way better. But i still have some areas with fat. I really want build lean muscle and have that look. My question is, everything i read ?suggests lots of clean eating but some heavy caloric intake. Is this the only way? I want to shed fat shouldn't I burn more calories than I intake? Did i just answer my own question? Train harder?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175940851&goto=newpost

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Reducing or tightening chest muscles to lose man boobs in 1 month

Hi All,

I am a 27 year old skinny-fat male(I am thin but have flesh at wrong places ) .I am 5.10 ft, weighing 66 kg

I play football,cricket, table tennis regularly and I am very fit and athletic but maybe my diet or indiscipline in routine has given me slight fat on my tummy and chest and it has been there for quite sometime as I was too much into coldrink,icecream and eating heavy food at night.

I wanted to know if there is a routine which can help me in tightening or reducing man boobs in 1 month (I know that completely it is not possible in 1 month )

Pics for the current state can be seen in my gallery photos

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175936071&goto=newpost

Monday, July 2, 2018

What type of neck brace is the best for stretching neck muscles?

Hello everyone.I am looking for a neck brace(Cervical collar) to relieve pressure and open up the spinal vertebrae for 20-30 minutes.I think that it is better than static stretches. I don't think that cervical collar is long-term fixer but it releases neck muscles the best way to achieve the best activation on posture-strength exercises.There is a two type of cervical collar,soft and rigid.Which one should I buy?

from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175926321&goto=newpost