Monday, February 5, 2018

Skinny (but fat belly) looking to gain weight and muscle without a belly!

Hi all, first post on this forum.

I'm 20, 5'9 and 145 lbs. I used to play sports in high school and occasionally did weight lifting but stopped for the past couple years. I think I'm too skinny and want to add muscle mass and also increase my body weight to about 160. The problem is, even though I look pretty skinny on the outside, I actually have somewhat of a pot belly that makes me look kinda bloated (my girlfriend always complains about), which is from the lack of exercise for the past 2 years. Right now I started using mass gainer to increase my size and have started weight lifting, but I've read online that this could add more fat and so I'm afraid my belly will get worse? I do moderate cardio about twice a week, but I've read any more will be counter productive to my muscle gains.

Basically, I want to know what approach I should use if I want to bulk up in mass and muscle AND lose my belly fat, or if this is even possible in the short run. Please any advice on what protein, weight training schedule and cardio schedule would optimize these results!

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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