Sunday, May 5, 2019

I see a pattern here about girls and muscles.

You're too intimidating guys simply put. I'm 6'4 and 265 lean I got sick as in the ****s aka food posioning from Denny's I got compensation though. I lost 40 pounds yes a lot of muscle and what not. I got narrower, and just nore approachable. After feeling better, I am now working back up since muscle memory is 100% real.

Story: got approached by a chick was wearing a medium shirt for the first time since everything well was mostly lost.

I was paying for my food at a local store which was Albersons. A pretty chick approached me saying if I am going to eat all that food alone. After I responded she just did it. She asked me out. She worked around it though kept saying stuff like "that's 3 pounds of chicken you seriously eat all that" eventually I just told her what her name is and then she said it "my name is Veronica her is my number".

Trust me it happened again. Moral of the story is when you are 23 inches wide that is already too much and when your arms are the size of her waist then again too much.

Being this sick showed me that it is true. All these woman want to not just approach you not get the dong as well.

You are just too big guys if some of you are working out for chicks.

I see it all the time in the gym. The biggest mofo gets all the looks from woman he covers up and looks nuts but they never approach and naw it ain't because they are afraid of rejection. It is because you are too dam manly for them. Could snap them up by just shaking their hands.

So yeah it's true the leaner and more compact you look the better for chicks. I tested this at the gym even.

I wore earphones hoodie and even looked mean lol. Didn't matter girls flocked to my direction as in tapping me on the shoulders and asking me questions. Before never the most is a stare and they walk away.

Cliffs: got sick looking smaller gets girls attention and makes it beyond easy for them to approach you.

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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