Saturday, May 11, 2019

Female friend wants muscles, what are good workouts+diets

A female friend of mine is interested in taking up bodybuilding. She doesn’t wanna compete she just wants muscles. What are some good workouts+diets for her to get muscles.
Here are the works she’s currently doing, however they do change up day to day.
Dumbbell bench press 3 8 12ibs
One arms rows 3 8 12ibs
Lateral raises 3 8 12ibs
Kickbacks curls 3 8 12ibs
Standings curls 3 8 12ibs
Dumbbell bench press led 3 8 12ibs
Inclined flies 3 8 12ibs
One arm rows 3 8 12ibs
Bent over rows 3 8 12ibs
Lateral raises 3 8 12ibs
Front raises 3 8 12ibs
Standing curls 3 8 12ibs
Kickbacks 3 8 12ibs
Warm up bench presses 3 8 15ibs
Work set bench presses 5 8 15ibs
High or low incline dumbbell presses 3 8 10ibx
Seated dumbbell presses 3 8 15ibs
Lateral raises 3 8 15ibs
Upright rows 3 8 15ibs
Bent over laterals 3 8 15ibs
Dips or push downs 3 8 15ibs

Also she’s going back to work from maternity leave next month so she’ll only be able to go to the gym twice a week. So what are good muscle building workouts she can do at home?

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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