Friday, March 29, 2019

Solid routine for someone wanting build a good variety of strength and muscle?

I know starting strength and stronglifts were all the hype some years back now lots of people have turned against it for some reason? Why?

I want to build muscle but also strength but just not feeling a lot of the routines I'm seeing. Like Fierce 5 for example, too much going on front squat one day, back squat the next workout.. meh.. would rather just do back squat to keep things simple. Then for example they have you working your biceps and triceps on the same day. For example, there's no deadlifts in the routine (disappointing) but they have pendlay rows instead and they have you doing that the same day as your triceps like face pulls, bench press.. so then the day after next when go to work biceps more maybe your biceps will be more fatigued from doing pendlay rows that day.. Then on your pull day they having you doing overhead press when your triceps/shoulders might be fatigued from the day before.

I'm no expert not calling it out, if it works it works for people but I'm just not feeling it personally.. Too much machine work too, would rather work with just a barbell/db and if accessory stuff is required I'd like to do stuff like weighted dips and pullups..etc. Would rather all pulls one day and all push one day and keep things simple without too much variety. (for starts anyway, in the future more variety might be nice)

Also 3 days a week would be nice. Don't have time for 5.

Got any suggestions? Thanks.

from Bodybuilding News Updates

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