Hi - I'm an experienced hill runner and cyclist and do lots of weightlifting through the winter, along with Touch Rugby / 7s rugby.
About 10 weeks ago, I did a serious weights session involving some high rep deadlifts (2 sets x 15 reps at 110kg, I weigh 70kg, would normally do about 65kg....), had some doms next 48 hrs then:
- went to gym 3 days later and did back and shoulders workout, with a nice down-the-rack single arm row session 28kg down to 14 kg, 12 reps each time
- managed 2 days of hill running back end of the week but was feeling a bit sore
- rugby training 2 days after that, then rested for a few days
- a morning of spinning and HIIT training (all bodyweight but with large ROM)
- Since then I have had:
- terrible Sacro-iliac joint pain,
- sore quads, glute medius, glute max,
- lack of range in arms & shoulders due to tightness in lats, rhomboids, traps..
- trouble sleeping, walking like I shat myself/Frankenstein, unable to lift arms up high, feels like ulnar nerve is trapped or restricted
What I did next:
- I have seen Doctors (one who prescribed a tonne of wild pain medication and diazepam) and physio
- Had an MRI scan that showed lumbar spine was in good shape, all discs good - I have the lumbar spine of a 35 year old and I am 53 according to Doc
- SI looked ok but he suspected a possible torn or pulled ligament in SI
- also had 2 cortisone injections into SI joint, which has helped a wee bit but not much
- walking better now but very stiff in mornings
- muscles - glute max/med, quads still very tender with no power
- muscles have atrophied a helluva lot = vvvv depressing & having to miss some rugby comps and bike races
I have gone for a blood test yesterday and will get results soon. However all bodily functions are normal. Have I just over-trained and pulled muscles and tendons?
Thoughts welcome :-)
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